php /index.php
Loading PHP command interpreter...
Verifying file integrity... Done!
Loading support files... Done!
Loading file to memory... Done!
Parsing /index.php for streaming to stdout... Done!
Streaming file to stdout:
Hi. You look lost...There's not really anything here right now.
I'm new.
Maybe there will be something here soon. Maybe not. Maybe this is all just a ruse, a clever decoy to make you waste 2 minutes of your life reading this drivel while you're looking for other stuff to satiate your miserable existance while the entire world burns. Or maybe this is some kind of secret, like a treasure hunt. I don't have any money though, so that's probably not it.
I bet you were looking for something fancy and new and cool and maybe even something entertaining. But not here. Not now. Maybe not ever.
Life is like that. A series of disappointing twists and turns.
A head-first, YOLO rush into something completely and utterly stupid. Like this page.
It's amazing the human race exists at all with how we do such dumb things, and do them often.
I mean, look at how we responded to Covid.
Astonishing, really...
Isn't the human race just..weird? I mean, you're doing you, and I'm doing me. We don't know each other but here you are. Like an internet voyeur, you so desparately seek ..something, that you end up here, of all places.
You're sitting there reading the ramblings of a 300 lb old guy in his basement writing this missive, unshaven and unwashed in a grease-stained wife beater and a 10 year old pair of underwear.
A guy you don't even know.
I could be an axe murderer.
Or a serial killer.
Or some weirdo acting like a 17 year old girl.
(I'm not any of these...or am I, hmm?)
And yet, you still have read this far.
Kudos to you, my friend. Kudos to you.
At any rate, thanks for stopping by. Play nice with each other and eat your vegetables. Don't watch tv too close or you'll go blind. Tip your waitress. Or your DoorDasher.